Webinar outlining proposed groundwater regulations to remediate elevated nitrate levels held Dec. 17th

High nitrates in your drinking water may pose health risks for you and your family.  A proposed management area in portions of Cuming, Colfax, and Dodge Counties was discussed during a Zoom Webinar that was held on Thursday, December 17th.  Hosted by the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD), the virtual meeting included speakers from the LENRD, the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), the University of Nebraska (UNL), and from the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE).  The webinar was utilized to allow for the safe and efficient dissemination of information about the proposed management area due to current concerns regarding Covid-19 cases in the state.

If you were unable to view the event last Thursday evening, or would like the opportunity to watch it again, a recording of the virtual event is now available.  Stakeholders can access the link for the recorded event by visiting the LENRD’s website and on social media by visiting the LENRD’s Facebook & Twitter pages.

The LENRD is proposing a Phase 2 Groundwater Management Area in portions of Cuming, Colfax, and Dodge counties, due to elevated nitrates levels found through the district’s groundwater quality monitoring program.

Increased levels of nitrates also create additional expenses for private well owners and public water supply systems who have made investments in treatment systems to remediate the issue.  During the webinar, Dr. Jesse Bell with UNMC informed viewers of the negative health implications associated with elevated drinking water nitrates and discussed research on cancer and pediatric birth defects associated with groundwater contaminants.

This information meeting also provided additional insight on the monitoring and assessment segment of this process, along with an explanation of the proposed management area boundaries and controls that accompany a Phase 2 Area.  LENRD Assistant Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “The district places groundwater quality as one of its highest priorities, and is committed to cooperating with stakeholders to ensure success in pursuit of this endeavor.”

The LENRD has made tentative plans to host an Open House Public Hearing on Thursday, January 28th from 5-7 p.m. at the Nielsen Center in West Point to receive public comment on the proposed management area.  However, this date is subject to change, pending future concerns over hosting public events during the Covid-19 pandemic.  For additional information, contact the Lower Elkhorn NRD at 402.371.7313.